來自波寶島的 - 私釀咖啡工作室 - - - 聯名合作 \ 咖啡 \ 工作室 \ 插畫 \ 設計
Collaboration \ Coffee \ Atelier \ Illustration \ Design コラボ \ コーヒー \ アテリア \ イラスト \ デザイン |
- 私 釀 咖 啡 工 作 室 -
M o o n s h i n e C o f f e e A t e l i e r
你不會看到滿滿的客桌椅,也不會有琳瑯滿目的店內裝飾,取而代之的是,俐落瀟灑的工業風設計、寬敞自在的活動空間,以及如私釀般的咖啡風味。透過私釀咖啡工作室,你將進一步了解澳洲的咖啡文化,因為這裡追求的是: 帶你體驗 - 澳洲咖啡廳的簡單自由; 讓你品嚐 - 澳式咖啡的獨特與美好。 Within a tranquil lane, Da'an District, the most cultural and artistic area in Taipei City, there is an Australian style coffee roastery transformed from an old warehouse called Moonshine Coffee Atelier. Approaching the all black shop facade, you will be appealed to the long wooden bench with two stairs in front of the shop, and then you will be shocked after you open the front door with a portafilter handle.
Moonshine Coffee Atelier is different from other coffee shops in Taiwan. Sophisticated, minimal and free industrial style space instead of lots of tables and decorations.You could know what exactly Aussie style coffee is when you firstly try the coffee here, and also have full imagination and implement your coffee ideology through the coffee environment and coffee style in Moonshine, just like the real “Moonshine” spirits. Moonshine will bring you travel around Australia through their unique Aussie coffee taste, especially espresso, as well as the free and simple spirit circulated inside Australian blood. |
- 動 機 -
M o t i v a t i o n
這次很慶幸我們有機會能與私釀咖啡合作,長達三個月的溝通過程,我們在看似沒有交集的兩個品牌中,慢慢摸索出共同的經營理念 - 勇於追求獨一無二。以波寶島獨特的角色和筆觸,一筆一畫詮釋出同樣風格獨特的私釀咖啡工作室,為喜歡我們的朋友,增添更多新奇有趣的感受。 POPOLAND has released more than two hundred illustrations over nine months, we have created variety of characters and multifaceted themes through four types of POPO: TOPO, KUPO, RAPO and FUPO which are Including life, work, mood, outfits, festival, interior and imagination. This time, we are so glad to have the opportunity to cooperate with Moonshine Coffee Atelier. Through a three-month communication process, we have slowly found a common business philosophy between these two brands which seem have no intersection - Being brave to pursue our uniqueness. Drawing an illustration of unique Moonshine Coffee Atelier with unique characters and brushstrokes of POPOLAND, we are willing to bring more novel and interesting things to people who support us. |
- 作 法 -
M e t h o d o l o g y
A. 繪製一款專屬於私釀咖啡工作室的剖面透視插畫海報 ( 包含空間、人物、設備、菜單等四大類的詳細店面介紹 ) Create an unique cutaway illustration poster of Moonshine Coffee Atelier ( Including the detailed description of atelier, space, equipment and menu ) B. 延伸設計剖透插畫周邊紀念商品 Design commemorative products of Moonshine's cutaway illustration |
- 過 程 -
W o r k I n P r o g r e s s
0 1. 構 圖 C o m p o s i t i o n 開始繪製前,我們必須多次走訪私釀咖啡工作室,仔細地觀察並記錄店面的整體架構、內部裝潢、各種器材設備的造型與擺設位置,概略繪製出整個店面的架構,過程中需注意每個物件與空間之間的尺寸、位置、距離、以及比例。
Before drawing, we have to visit Moonshine for several times. We will carefully observe and record the structure, the interior decoration, the shape of various equipment, and then sketch out the whole structure of Moonshine.
0 2. 第 一 階 段 草 稿 P h a s e 1 s k e t c h e s 完成構圖後,我們將人物加入,繪製時一樣需注意人物與物件、空間之間的尺寸、位置、距離和比例。然後再進一步的仔細描繪所有內容的形體。
After completing the composition, we are going to add the characters. We need to pay attention to the size, position, distance, and proportion of the characters, objects and space. And then sketch more details of the shape of all the content.
0 3. 第 二 階 段 草 稿 P h a s e 2 s k e t c h e s 我們已經大致繪製出整體店面的結構、人物與物件,再來就是將每個物件繪製清楚,用俐落的線條快速地抓住造型與特色,然後區分出需要上色的部分,並在此階段修改需要調整的內容。
After roughly drawing out the structure, characters and objects of Moonshine, the next step is to draw each object clearly, to grab the shape and features quickly with the clear sketch, and then to distinguish the parts that need to be colored. At the same stage, we modify the content that need to be adjusted.
0 4. 線 稿 O u t l i n e s 完成草稿後,基本上所有內容都已經有具體樣貌。接下來,我們就要非常仔細地,盡可能捕捉到更多的細節,包括物品的紋路、人物的造型與表情、瓶身的包裝、烘豆機的外部零件、置物架上的雜物、盆栽的葉子紋路、辦公桌上的電腦螢幕等,這些不起眼的小細節,都是我們在繪製線稿中不容忽視的插畫元素。
Basically all the content have a specific appearance after the sketch is completed. Next, we need to capture more details as possible, including the texture of goods, the shape and expression of the characters, the packaging of the bottles, the external parts of the roaster, the sundries on the shelf, the leafy lines of the potted plant, the website on the notebook screen on the desk, etc. All of these details are important elements that we can't ignore during drawing outlines.
0 5. 色 稿 C o l o r i n g 最後,我們只要將上色區域填入顏色,這幅剖面透視插畫就大功告成!
Finally, we just fill in the color area and this unique cutaway illustration of Moonshine is done!
0 6. 海 報 設 計 P o s t e r D e s i g n a. 標 誌 S i g n a g e |
b. 文 字 排 版 T y p e s e t t i n g |
c. 海 報 P o s t e r |
0 7. 商 品 設 計 P r o d u c t D e s i g n a. 杯 墊 C o a s t e r |
b. 明 信 片 P o s t c a r d s |